Our Books, from Danu Studies Inc.

A Life Being Lived Enjoys Healing

The books that Danu Studies Inc. presents on this website, each with a unique approach to storytelling, provide an added dimension to the never-ending search for wellbeing and healing.

We are pleased and proud to include these books on our website, because they represent only one of the many forms that the quest for knowledge and understanding takes. We trust that those who choose to purchase them, will take what they need from them and incorporate it into their own journey.

Jacob Hogeterp’s books

Jacob (Jake) Hogeterp is the author of two novels, and edits fiction, and general articles. He’s also known to be something of a handyperson around the Sweet Hollows Haven premises. He attributes his versatility to an insatiable curiosity, a rich imagination and the firm conviction that it ain’t necessarily so just because others say it is. That trio keeps his smile wry and his advice reliable.

To find out more about Jake’s writing and editing work, or to talk to him about editing your written work (short story, novel, web site or other work), contact him at j_hogeterp@yahoo.ca

Between the Notes; How Long COVID Paused my Life by Rebecca Hogeterp with Jacob Hogeterp

Between the Notes Cover

While the entire world is in turmoil over COVID-19, Rebecca Hogeterp, a self-employed piano teacher, is forced to withdraw more and more from day-to-day events just to get through a very rough patch. She’s been told it’s probably a bad case of the flu. But many of the symptoms are nothing like any flu she has ever experienced. Losing her sense of taste and smell, and the ability to walk unassisted are just the beginning. The rough patch morphs into what she and the medical profession come to learn is the seeming endless nightmare of long COVID.

“Between the Notes” is, however, not just the story of her struggle with the illness, but also an affirmation of the triumph of kindness, love, compassion and determination over adversity.

Purchase Between the Notes via Amazon at: https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=between+the+notes+by+jacob+and+rebecca+hogeterp&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss

Watch the virtual book launch and get the know the authors of “Between the Notes: How Long COVID Paused my Life.”

Between the Notes Launch: 13/11/2021

Rebecca Hogeterp has a Bachelor’s degree in Piano Performance from the University of Western Ontario. She also studied piano in Paris and obtained an Artist diploma in piano performance from the Utrecht Conservatorium in the Netherlands. Rebecca has worked as a professional pianist, performer, accompanist and teacher in the greater Toronto area for the past 18 years. Throughout the course of her career, she has also taught many children with special needs and as a result obtained her certification in Autism Intervention. In her spare time, she has worked as an interior decorator and house renovator.

Meanwhile on Cloud Nine by Jacob Hogeterp

cloud 9 cover

Have you ever wondered what Cloud Nine was really like? This highly imaginative tale lets you in on the secret not only of its inner workings, but also what happens when one of us mere mortals gets involved in a major upheaval in this lower-heaven realm. Nothing up there or down here will ever be quite the same again.

Purchase Meanwhile on Cloud Nine via Amazon at: https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=meanwhile+on+cloud+nine&crid=31HEK0624XS5B&sprefix=Meanwhile+%2Caps%2C156&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_3_10

Smitten, by Jacob Hogeterp

Smitten cover

Charting your own way does not mean you have to abandon those you care about. Tom Zondervan learns this the hard way, often in increments, and sometimes too late, as he tiptoes over the boggy terrain on which his community has set the firm foundation of its moralistic underpinning. Tempting as it is to judge the follies of others, he himself becomes wracked with guilt over the betrayal of his best friend. Loss is his harshest teacher; finding redemption in reaching out, an unexpected lesson. And then, by finding forgiveness, not from the angry god of his Dutch protestant heritage, but from somewhere deep within himself where love resides, he gets the toehold he’s been seeking all his life.

Purchase Smitten via Amazon at: https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=smitten+by+jacob+hogeterp&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss